Kicking Off Your Screenwriter Email Marketing Plan

Welcome to the first episode of a brand new series that is dedicated to helping screenwriters with their careers and goals. My name is Chris Brennan. I am a screenwriter, filmmaker and Content Marketing Specialist with over a decade of experience in both fields. So hopefully we can bridge the two worlds and help you cats and kittens out! 🐾

We want to kick off this series with a nice little screenwriter email marketing idea. A taste of what you can expect from each episode: practical, useful strategies that you can implement immediately and hope to see results sooner rather than later.

Oh and all we ask is that you share this article online and with your peers, peeps and colleagues. Our goal is for everybody to write better scripts, build stronger careers and nurture healthier industry connections.

So here is your very first Screenwriter Marketing Strategy: Send… One… Email!

Yep, that’s it! Send one email… a day.

And this email can be about anything…. as long as its purpose is to help your project or your career. Don’t just send your brother a link to The Daily Show. Don’t send your husband the new Star Wars trailer

You gotta drop an email to someone that can actually help further your career. And the content of the email should reflect that.

Simple, right? A little too simple, maybe? Well, why not?

Think about the last time you’ve actually been proactive in your career? I don’t mean in your writing… I mean in pushing your career. It might have been weeks ago… Months ago, even! Now you send one email out a day for a week and that is seven possible opportunities that have the potential to stick.

You are putting yourself out there Every Single Day.
It won’t be an overnight thing — well, it could be. But don’t expect it! Instead, this will pay off after a few weeks or months.

I guarantee it!

I did this 4 years ago for a solid 12 months myself. And it directly led to a number of paid feature film writing jobs for producers.

Okay, so you want examples of who to email, right? Well, that’s fair enough.

Screenwriter Email Ideas

• Drop a writing colleague an email and propose that you proof each other’s work and give notes.
• Contact that producer or decision-maker that you met twice and have been meaning to pester about your project. But instead of going in to talk about yourself, invite them for a coffee and say that you would like to provide your writing services to them, in case they have a passion project that they never had a chance to develop.
• Contact a director and see if they would like to meet to discuss making a promo for your script.
• Know any illustrators or graphic designers? How about messaging them to see if they’d be up for creating some material for your idea?

For even more screenwriter marketing inspiration, we have created a full calendar month of email ideas for you. Simply download it for free right here:

What will happen is that your proactivity will pay off and this is where opportunity will present itself. Say you’re a screenwriter who gets a director on board to create a promo for your script. Each time you email each other about developing the idea, this counts as one of your daily emails!

Say you’re an author that has agreed to read someone else’s material in exchange for reading yours. Each email counts, as you are also cultivating a relationship that could pay off later down the line.

Keep this up and soon you’ll be dropping 3 or 4 emails a day on a variety of different projects and opportunities. You’ll forget the whole system of having to send an email a day… Why? Well, you’ll be too damn busy working and collaborating to realize that you’re doing it anyway.

Pretty good, right? Simple, yet effective marketing with one crucial ingredient: consistency!

So that’s all for today. We have a lot more that we will be covering on the Writing Chops Blog. But just like your scripts, it’s best to keep these articles concise, focused, and to the point 📄

I hope you enjoyed this article and I tell you what: to help you kick off your daily screenwriter email strategy, we have created this ebook of tried, tested, and proven email templates. Download it for free today and let’s get to work rascals!

Thank you so much for reading. Please do share this online. Especially in any writer’s groups that you think could benefit from this idea.

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Chris Brennan

Screenwriter ✍️, Filmmaker 🎥, Marketing Specialist 📢 and Founder of Writing Chops 💻.

Also, the Father of two ridiculous rascals 👦👧


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