Your Screenwriter Marketing Prompts of the Week - October 2024

As a screenwriter, it’s easy to get caught up in your scripts, but remember that building your career and personal brand is just as crucial. This week, let’s focus on taking small, actionable steps to grow your network and strengthen your presence.

Here are your practical, actionable screenwriter marketing and career prompts of the week:


Create a list of five people you know who could help you in your career—no matter how big or small their impact. Start with people you already know and then expand your circle. This list will be the foundation for nurturing your network—remember, it’s about adding value to them as much as to yourself.


Draft a personalized email template that you can use when reaching out to industry professionals. Make it clear, concise, and give them a strong reason to connect with you.


Think about a specific topic that, if someone Googled it, your name would appear—something you’re passionate about that isn’t ‘writing.’ It should be a subject you want to contribute to in a positive way, something where you can help others. This is the foundation of where your personal brand can begin.


Send a follow-up email to someone who hasn’t responded to you in the past two weeks. Don’t be discouraged—persistence is key, and it often takes several touchpoints to get a response.


Reach out to your filmmaker colleagues and request links to their short films. Show them you care about their efforts and want to see the fruits of their labor. Supporting others is a great way to strengthen relationships in the industry.

Remember, every step you take, no matter how small, gets you closer to your goals. If you need more guidance or have questions, feel free to comment below. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and follow us on social media for more tips and prompts

And before you go, be sure to download our free email marketing prompts calendar—a brand new editable template filled with ideas for boosting your screenwriting career through the power of email.

Have a fantastic week honing your Writing Chops.

Chris Brennan

Screenwriter, Filmmaker, Content Marketing Specialist and Co-Founder of Writing Chops. Oh, and father of two ridiculous rascals! Chris’s passion and mission is to help screenwriters transform their passion into their careers with practical, actionable guidance and insights (While having a little bit of fun along the way… I mean, it’s only a job if we treat it like one, right? 🤔)

Your Screenwriter Marketing Prompts of the Week


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