Finding the Time to Focus on Screenwriter Marketing

Today, we look at how you can actually find the time for screenwriter marketing within an already jammed-packed week.

Now, I know, I know… if you’ve been reading these posts or following us on TikTok, you may have enjoyed the prompts we are throwing your way, but also wondered, “how is it even possible to squeeze in more work?”

Well, today, we are going to show you.

And right off the bat, it’s important to note that it can be easy to put this stuff off. These are ideas and objectives that nobody is asking for! Just like that spec script you are writing, Nobody is waiting for you to do this.

But that’s why it’s critical to dedicate a bit of time each day to it. There will come a point where it will be your job to make them care about your script (and yourself as the screenwriter). So let’s not wait any longer.

Making the Time for Screenwriter Marketing 

The trick to finding the time for screenwriter marketing is to look at your schedule and see where the tiny gaps can be.

Each person has a different schedule and responsibilities… but a lot of times, we have a collection of moments spent waiting or traveling on a given day. This right here is your first opportunity.

Personally, when I had my first child. I knew that I needed to restructure my workday. As a working marketing specialist, I used to get my writing done in the evening. But with a newborn blowing up my schedule, it was time for a change.

That’s when I decided to make some tough decisions. Right away, I noticed that my one-hour break was nice. But not vital.

I was just going for lunch with people and using it as an actual break. This was the first thing to change. I immediately started using this break for writing. And, I just earned myself 1 free, clean hour of work.

Next, I looked at the time I spent traveling to and from work. These were 45-minute commutes.

45-minutes of just scrolling on social, replying to people or reading a book.

Boom: I just discovered another hour and a half of time, each weekday!

Now, let me add that up… gimme a sec! That is 2.5 hours, 5 days a week! Man oh man, what a man can do with that amount of time.

And that is not even considering the time between 9pm and midnight, where I usually found myself watching a film or streaming a show.

Now, if you have a similar schedule, all you have to do is take up to 15-20 of those minutes each day and dedicate it to screenwriter marketing.

I would recommend that you get it out of the way early. So before you get stuck into your creative work. Simply send off that email or quickly write up a draft of your screenwriter bio.

Just 15-minutes is all it takes. And you are going to be amazed at how much actually gets done if you only do 15-minutes per day!

So now that we’ve found the time, let’s put some structure in place!

Building Screenwriter Marketing Into Your Week

Sunday nights or Monday mornings are great for planning the week ahead (If you have time on Sunday evening, then I’d recommend that you plan out your week then).

But if you prefer Monday, that’s fine too - And you can use this day strictly for planning and leave any of the actual objectives for the rest of the week.

So your Screenwriter Marketing Schedule could look like this:

screenwriter marketing prompts

Sunday- Put a list of achievable screenwriter marketing tasks together for the week. Even one a day is amazing.

Monday- Email a producer to see if they have a passion project that they might need help with. Click here to learn more about that…

Tuesday- Write the logline for your script

Wednesday- Organize a meet-up with a director, actor, or fellow writer. Maybe there is something you might be able to collaborate on.

Thursday- Review your IMDb page and see if it needs updating 

Friday- Register your screenplay with the WGA

Saturday- Reply to any of the above that have gotten back to you

And there you have it! A one-week schedule of small, achievable screenwriter marketing goals dedicated to your career.

As a special gift for you, we have created a monthly screenwriter marketing calendar template for you.

A month full of practical daily actions that you can take to build your network, nurture professional relationships, and get closer to smashing your screenwriting goals:

Thanks for reading and best of luck with your new calendar!

The soundtrack I listened to as I wrote this: Hans Zimmer’s Time from Inception (Seemed appropriate 😉)

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Chris Brennan

Screenwriter ✍️, Filmmaker 🎥, Marketing Specialist 📢 and Founder of Writing Chops 💻.

Also, the Father of two ridiculous rascals 👦👧


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